2023 by the RA environmental protection and subsoil inspection body. In the period from January 30 to February 10, 58 cases were recorded, of which 37 cases resulted in damage to the environment amounting to AMD 9,186,040.
In 12 previously recorded cases, environmental damage in the amount of 1,069,210 AMD was calculated, in 3 cases an administrative fine of 210,000 AMD was imposed.
In particular:
Field of protection of the plant world
43 cases were recorded, out of which 32 caused damage to the environment in the amount of AMD 7,948,240. In 8 previously recorded cases, environmental damage in the amount of AMD 978,400 was calculated, and in 1, an administrative fine of AMD 100,000 was imposed.
Wildlife conservation sector
6 cases were recorded, out of which 4 were estimated to cause damage to the environment in the amount of AMD 337,800, and in 1, an administrative fine of AMD 50,000 was imposed. In 4 previously recorded cases, environmental damage in the amount of AMD 90,810 was calculated, in 2, an administrative fine of AMD 110,000 was imposed.
Areas of air and water protection, waste disposal, land use and conservation
7 cases were recorded, 1 of which caused damage to the environment in the amount of AMD 900,000.
State examinations
2 cases were recorded. 5 cases (total: 600,000 AMD) were sent to the Enforcement Service of the RA Ministry of Justice. During the mentioned period, 2,633,803 AMD were entered into the RA state budget.
Regarding inspections
During the reporting period, the head of the BTU issued 4 instructions to carry out an inspection. Based on the results of 5 inspections carried out previously, 9 decisions on administrative fines were made in the amount of 1,600,000 AMD, and damage caused to nature was calculated with 2, in the amount of 580,756 AMD.